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Cabbage benefits and facts


Hi ! Friends today we are back with an another topic on a vegetable which is mostly liked by people in raw form but some people also like it cooked . It is also used in salad and it is considered as an dietary food which is consumed by the people who is trying to reduce there calories and also fats from there body. I am talking about cabbage it have many layers of leaves which can be consumed . Cabbage have many colors but we mostly find in white, red and green it has light green color .It grows on the ground the roots are present inside the earth .It is totally covered with the dark green leaves like structure inside that the cabbage grows and it looks very beautiful when it comes out from that structure .
It has many name's in different languages , people call it by many names but it have same taste through out the world . There are many benefits of eating cabbage , in this blog you are going to know about the benefits of eating cabbage . You will be getting surprised by knowing the nutritional benefits consist in cabbage .
NUTRIENTS :- Cabbage has many nutrients some of them are calories, proteins, fiber ,vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, manganese, vitamin B6 calcium, magnesium and cabbage also contain vitamin A , and iron . It can be said as an good source of iron in the developing children's .cabbage contain high amount of fibers and powerful antioxidants , antioxidants helps our body from damage caused by the free radicals . 
INFLAMMATION :- Cabbage help keeping the inflammation in check if we consume cabbage in high quantity your body relies on the inflammation response to protect against infection and can speed up in healing. Vegetables like cabbage have many different types of antioxidants which can reduce chronic inflammation from our body . 
DIGESTION :- Cabbage is really helpful to our digestive system as it is really helpful to our digestive system it helps in digesting food fast , old people or the people who have digestion problems must consume cabbage in there food , it keeps our intestine free and makes us feel good as it don't store the heavy food for the long time in our stomach. As many problems starts with the improper digestion to reduce the risk of problems of our health we must needed to concentrate on the digestion of the food on daily bases and in proper way to keep our body fit and healthy .
HEART HEALTH :- It keeps our heart healthy as studies says that red cabbage contain powerful compounds called anthocyanins , they  are plant pigments which belongs to a flavonoid family .The food which are rich in pigments are good for the heart health and have many benefits on our body as a basic source .
BLOOD PRESSURE :- In in the intake of cabbage can lower downs and manage the blood pressure of the body in balanced way , in many countries people consume cabbage as salad and many people consumed as a food they are really benefited in both the ways. The people who are consuming high amount of  cabbage in there daily diet can notice there blood pressure will be in balanced way and can be said as normal blood pressure . Normal people can also consume cabbage to avoid the problems of any blood pressure related problems . As many people through out the world are only effected with high blood pressure we rarely see the people who is having the problem of low blood pressure so it is an importance source of lowering down the blood pressure of an individual .
CHOLESTEROL :- Cabbage helps our intestine in lowering down the level of cholesterol from our body specially it lowers the bad cholesterol from our body, the bad fat which is stored in our body make many changes in our body for instance it change the shape of our body working capacity and many other changes inside the body . Which can be resulted in a bad way after some period of time passed . We are really needed to reduce the level of bad cholesterol from our body by eating healthy food and consuming our food on right time and also in right quantity .

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