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Advantages of Running

Hi !! Friend today we are back with another blog on fitness. Hope you will be satisfied with this blog.

Now a days we rarely see people running or jogging in our surrounding . After reading our blog upon the jogging you will be starting the jogging daily in the morning after knowing the benefits of  running.
Running in the morning is really benefited as compared to any other time and keeps our body stay healthy and fit.In ancient time people use to walk a lot and they were really fit an fine by there body and health ,but now a days people don't do any sword of  heart work which is making our health day by day week and makes our body unhealthy but after doing jogging and running we will be defiantly going toward a healthy and good life .Which is really important for every individual. After consuming our food we can't do jogging and running so it is good for us to do it with the empty stomach which helps our body in burning the fat or the bad cholesterol from our body.

Regular running/jogging have many befits which is unbelievable and unknown by us . It helps in building the stamina in our body running helps in improving the stamina of our body , good stamina is important for our healthy life style .
It helps to build strong bones it makes our body and the bones strong and keeps us fit and fine and makes us healthy in result.
It is a good way of burning calories which is present in our body, fat is the only and the main source which is creating problems in our health so as the jogging\running helps our body in burning the fats it will helps us to keep our body away from many diseases and problems. Fat create many problems in our health and may leads to many problems.
It helps us to reduce weight through the sweat which comes out while running or after running it is important for us to run. But there should be a proper form of running as for instance we can say that the person who is starting for the jogging\running should start from a half kilometer or as per there conveyance but there should not go for over jogging for the beginning, as it will not show you a good result if you do such kind of work at the beginning.
It is important to remember one thing by the person who started doing jogging\running they should increase the running day by day.
For example:- first day if we are comfortable to run  for 1 km 
                       second day we should try for the 1 and half if we can do it so.      
Running requires a higher level of fitness then jogging but if we want to make our body more fit and fine we must go for jogging\running daily at the proper time and in proper way. Proper way means we should do as per our convenience and as per our body can manage to do so.
A beginner to start exercise with walking which in progress leads to jogging/running.
Running , It gives strength to our muscles , muscular health is important for the body as we grow younger and after that when we grow older our bones and the muscles will not be that much of strong as they were used to be in our younger period of time ,so it is important for every individual to keep and manage there bones and muscles health.
It helps to reduce the risk of heart problem which are mainly caused due to the fat present in our body.The person who is already having or suffering from the problem of any sward of heart problem or diseases can start doing the jogging as per there conveyance.It will improve our breath and helps our lungs in functioning in proper n\and good way.It keeps our lungs strong even after the age or old age ,as we see the people who are old have a lot of problems in breathing but if we do regularly  jogging \running we will be having low risk of such problems in old age. 
It burns plenty of calories in the form  of  kilo grams . It helps to maintain our weight in balanced amount as per our age and height which is really necessary to be maintained by time to time. which is at the end give us a good , healthy,fit , happy and good life.
Every individual should have a fit body.


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