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Pear sweet fruit

Pear sweet fruit

We all are know to this fruit "pear". Pear is a sweet fruit. 
Pear's are rich in antioxidants , flavonoids and dietary fibers and have all nutrients in a fat free cholesterol. As plant foods decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, healthy complexion and also increase energy in the body.
1) It is an easiest way to increase fiber is consumption of pear about 6 gram in our daily diet.  
2) It is the best treatment for diverticulitis. Eating a balanced diet including pear in our daily intake can reduce pressure and inflammation in the colon.
3) It also helps us to lose weight, as the high fiber food makes us feel our stomach full which in result lead to the reduction of bad cholesterol.
4) It reduces the risk of the development in diabetes and more stable blood sugar levels in our body.
5) It promotes regularity for a healthy digestion tract.
6) Eating pear during pregnancy can helps the women in the reduction of constipation. which is really needed by them.
7) Fights against free radicals:- As it contains vitamin C,Vitamin K,and copper.
9) It is a good source in the prevention of heart diseases . It is really helpful in the reduction of belly fat,flat stomach diet, belly fat burner.
10) It also helps in the reduction of hair fall, and really helpful in the treatment for the hair problems which we face in our regular life.
11) It prevent breast cancer as it bind's with the carcinogenic cell which in result comes out in the reduction of cancer.
12) Boost immune system as it contain copper in it which is really helpful in the boosting immunity.
13)  Increases energy in our body as fruits contain many different types of vitamins and minerals in it.
14) pear helps in  curing fever easily.
15) During summer it is really good for children in shortness of breath which is really common in summer due to high heat in the atmosphere.


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