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HELLO, Friends today in this blog we are going to know about banana's  benefit's. We are known to banana as we consume it in our breakfast. Banana are sweet in taste and soft just like a sponge foam and have creamy taste in it. But apart from its taste and texture it have a lort of benefits to which we are not known . In this blog we are going to talk about it. We start point ways

   = Banana contain high fiber, which can help you regular digestion .Digestion problems are becoming mainly common in now a days .we must keep our digestive system in good condition, and it is really necessary for us to keep our digestive system good . As many problems starts because if improper digestion.
   = One banana can provide nearly 10% of your daily fiber requirement. We must have the fiber in right quantity in our body as fibers are really important for us in the development and growth of the body.

2. Weight Loss
  = Banana are a great weight loss food because they taste sweet and are filling, as banana's are the fruit which keeps our stomach full and we fell full and which in return leads to weight loss, which helps curb cravings for instance we can said as restrain or hold back , impulse to laugh.

3. Cance
  = Bananas may be helpful in preventing kidney cancer because of their high level of antioxidant phenolic compounds are their in it
.Cancer cells can be dead by consuming a banana daily in breakfast . We must have a banana in our daily diet to avoid the problem of cancer cells in our body. Now a days cancer are becoming common in this world. 

4. Health benefits
  = Bananas are good for your heart . It keeps our heart health good and heart problems are prevented by the consumption of banana's .It purifies the heart vessels and makes the proper flow of blood in the heart in the four chambers .

5. Sleep
  = It contain [Vitamin B6 ] plays an important role in the body it is really important to maintain the health of nerves , we must keep our nerves in good condition and also in the good order. It is also needed to maintain the health of the skin. When we get the proper sleep our skin gets the right amount of benefits .It improves the blood in the body and blood cells .

6. Banana Facts
  = Banana may have been the world's first cultivate fruits
     [cultivate fruits]  meaning = improving
 As bananas are consumed through out the world as an food as it don't cost any high amount . It is the most cheaply sold fruit and it is consumed by every person .

7. Nutrition Facts
   [ Total Fat contain]                     = 0%
   [ Potassium contain] 450gm       =13%
   [Vitamin    A  ]                            =2%
   [Vitamin    C   ]                           = 15%
   [Iron               ]                            =2%
   [Calcium        ]                            =0%

8. This blog is all about banana benefits hope you like it. Stay connect with us on facebook  and follow.

                                 THE BEGINNING  OF BANANA ,  SECOND BLOG SOON 


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